Skype English Class Now
Skype English Class Now

Complete the sentences 

(for beginners 2)

Here you will find a multiple choice sentence completion worksheet for beginners. Choose the correct answer from four possible choices. You can click on the answers to check if you are right!


As with all of our Extra English Help, these worksheets are free and open to all English students, whether or not you've signed up for Skype English classes with us. 

1. A chicken is a kind of _____.

a. fish

b. bird

c. job

d. cat



2. Working at a cash register is a kind of ____.



This is a cash register!

a. fish

b. bird

c. job

d. cat



3. A shark is a kind of _____.


a. fish

b. bird

c. job

d. cat



4. A lion is a kind of ____.


a. fish

b. bird

c. job

d. cat

5. Baseball is a kind of _____.



a. fish

b. weather

c. sport

d. country


6. New Zealand is a _____.



a. weather

b. country

c. city

d. sport



7. Rain is a kind of ________.



a. weather

b. country

c. city

d. sport



8. London is a ____.


a. weather

b. country

c. city

d. sport


9. Ireland is a ______.


a. weather

b. country

c. city

d. sport


10. Tennis is a kind of _____.


a. weather

b. country

c. city

d. sport



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